Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Feeling somewhat at a standstill...but there is hope.

"You have to know where you've been to know where you're going"

Ask anyone who's known me for a few years, I'm scary good at dieting. And yeah its hard at times because people will judge me on what I eat or they'll even go as far as making fun of what I eat. People make comments on the fact that I usually spend six to seven days a week in the gym. I don't even really diet anymore, I've just made some permanent adjustments to my life so I don't get back to where I've been.

But I'm human and I slip up, I eat too much or I don't eat enough. Sometimes I workout too hard and sometimes I skip my time at the gym because I'm busy or just don't feel like it. I read books on weight loss, I watch weight loss shows and I even have two weight loss blogs. So why write this post? Sometimes its frustrating and I don't feel like I've gotten anywhere. And I'm there. So I guess this post is more for me, and not for the one or two people who may read this.

January 2005, was a rough year for me. I hit an all-time high weight and I've never looked back. I'm not quite back down to where I want to be, but my confidence level is boosted and I think within the next six months I will get to my happy weight. While my journey seems to have hit a plateau, I hope to the scales show a loss soon. The photo above shows where I've been, the one below shows where I am now and I can only look better as I move into the future. I have made some progress and I think I look better than I did just a couple of years ago. Which makes me feel better. I get stronger with each training session and I'm happy, I don't think I could ask for more...well other than for the scale to start moving again.

"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels"

Monday, December 15, 2008

Getting Back Into This

So I seem to have forgotten about this blog, but I'm going to start up again. I've been doing really well, after yo-yoing back up to a ridiculous weight I've got it back under control and the scale has been posting some lower numbers.

I can remember when I first started doing the exercise thing I used to hate the girls that would just run past me without a care in the world as I wondered if I was even going to make it a mile. Unfortunately I think I've turned into one of those girls. I finish 5K training sessions now and I want to do more. So what happened to that girl that wasn't sure if she could make it a mile? I think she blossomed into the exercise butterfly she always thought she could be, but was scared to be.

Now I run with my head high and I have this goofy grin on my face as I bound up the hills I face. There's just something about running that makes me happy. While my times aren't fast right now, they're getting better and that's all that matters. A couple of months ago I wouldn't have dreamed about running a 5K in 40 minutes and I just happened to do that today and it felt easy.

I think I'm going to sign up for a 5K race in the spring. Who knows if that goes well maybe I'll look into training for a half marathon...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Day 3

Yesterday's Steps: 15,018 (7.11 Miles)

Wasn't the greatest food day but I stuck with it. I can do this. Last night was hard, there was a guy I was incredibly attracted to who only seemed interested in tall skinny girls. I took it hard at first but then I remembered the boy from last weekend and for some reason when I'm around him it was different....comfortable almost. There are a few butterflies but I don't feel like I'm going to be sick. I realized last night that I want to find that in a guy, some thrill but also the comfort of being with someone that I click with and can enjoy spending time with. The tall blonde hockey player isn't worth my time and I don't think he's even what I should be looking for right now.

If anything this new mindset has helped me see things in a better light.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Day 2

Yesterday's Steps: 7,422 (1.33 Miles)

So I didn't get up to go walking today but I will work in exercise throughout the day. (And I'll make sure I dance it up tonight at the show)

Today will be a challenge, mainly because I'm going out with the girls for dinner before the show tonight. But I'm up for the challenge! I haven't tallied up my points for yesterday (bad I know) but I think I stayed close to my goal.

I'm off to have some breakfast (yogurt, fruit and some cereal).

Goal for the week: 7000 steps a day (which I got in yesterday!)

I'm still working on the walking chart, should have it figured out soon!

I'm going to try a glass of the berry metamucil before I head off to work, maybe that will keep me from getting hungry while at work.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Day 1

So I have been doing weight watchers for a little over a month and I fell of the wagon big time the last two weeks. But after this weekend I have talked myself into getting back on track. My motivation you ask? Sad to say it's a guy...well not just a guy, but the interest in trying to get the guy's attention. Or any guy's for that matter. I think I will feel better once I know that I am at a healthy weight and I know that others aren't looking at me thinking "she could stand to lose some weight."

So I embark today on Project "Turn Heads." I am going to devote myself to becoming healthier. With the hopes on my trip to Pittsburgh that I will "Turn Heads." This past weekend showed me that there are some decent guys out there...I just have to wait to find one. (Eventhough the guy I met this weekend was really great, I have no desires to try a long distance relationship...and I don't think I even had his attention for more than a minute.)

So far today I have eaten a healthy breakfast (yogurt, 15 grams of cereal and peaches) and I even went for a 30 minute walk at 6:00. I made some healthy Baked Tortilla Chips and it's only going on 10:00. Last night I planned out my evening meals for the rest of the month and I feel confident that I can stick to the plan. I work from 12-4 today so I think I'll do some form of exercise after work.

Here's to a new start and my first step towards the finish line!

-- I think I'm going to try and pick out a walking route to walk my way across Europe, visiting all the places I can only dream about right now. Hopefully I can make it by the end of the year --

~~ EDIT ~~
So I don't have to work today. Normally I'd be disappointed about not having the chance to make a few bucks but one of my Nutrition books arrived today. I've already started in on the daunting textbook and each page makes me look forward to the fall when I embark on my journey to becoming a Registered Dietician.

Maybe I'll post something new each day that I've learned and if anyone reads this maybe they'll learn something too!